Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hey, I know that dog

My old dog Rosie came back from the dead! When I was growing up our family had two dalmations and Rosie was the second. Without three kids around to walk her, my mom eventually gave Rosie to someone she knew and I think poor Rosie croaked within a year or two after that. Anyway...

I was sitting outside (maybe I was in Naperville?) and some lady came walking in my direction with a really old dalmation. She was super old and kind of fat (I mean the dog), and the lady she was with said "you know me, right?" I was like uhhhhh no, sorry. Turns out she and her husband were both wearing handwritten nametags which I didn't see.

It took a minute, but Rosie eventually recognized me and tried to shake hands. Then I whipped out my wallet and started showing this lady old pictures of Rosie, including the one above. The other pictures I showed her don't really exist, but they were pretty gay... the kind of thing a mother would force her kids to do, like dressing up in black and white to match the dog and then get in some goofy pose. Eeeew.

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