Thursday, June 28, 2007

Chicks hate me, but at least I have a gun

I went back to Korea to visit and somehow found myself living with Jisun (my ex-gf from when I lived there) and Da Hae (Jisun's coworker from Hongik Universtiy). Jisun never actually appeared - it was just me & Da Hae in the apartment. I was kind of hitting on her and she said something like "even if I see you naked you won't take my innocence!" See, Da Hae's one of those Christian types.

Da Hae showed me how to use Hongik U's internal IM system, so I started talking to both her and Jisun through this thing. It was pretty brief, but then it all kind of shifted into this whole thing where I was shooting people and trying to figure out how people in Korea can fax certain OBJECTS to each other, like carpet samples.

I found myself running around this building with a gun (which had a silencer) and I was with somebody who was, um, "showing me the ropes" or something. We were sneaking around and my partner shot a couple of people but one of them got up and ran away. I chased after him, went up a few flights of stairs to the top of the building and assumed he got away, then on the way down I found him just sitting there on the stairs looking at me! Dumbass. I shot him in the chest and said "outta my way". See what a badass I am? Just call me BMF.

When I went back downstairs I was in some kind of store and I asked a couple of kids about the faxing of objects and they explained it to me... people could fax colors to each other, which then get applied to objects. Or something like that. Whatever it was, it was pretty screwy. Oddly enough, the kids were white, not Korean. You'd think I'd find Korean kids in the store since we were in Korea, but not this time.

Near the end of it all, I decided that I wanted to stay in Korea for good and I started wondering how I could afford it. Not sure what happened after that, but the one thing I can be certain of is that Da Hae never gave it up! She knows better than to mess around with creeps like me.

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