Thursday, June 21, 2007

Wikis... the wave of the future?

Last night's dream is a little cloudy (as most are), but it definitely had something to do with wikis, as in Wikipedia, or any kind of site like that where content is created, moderated, and edited entirely by users.

In my dream, everybody and their mother was creating wiki sites! It was the new, hot thing on the internet, like the explosion of social networking a few years back. Someone had created a wiki called - yes, with three Gs - and I thought, hmm that almost sounds racist. And then fried food somehow got involved! I'm pretty sure it was the same dream because I had a whole plan for frying foods in a certain order, like that was somehow going to help me get into the wiki business.

Maybe I'm onto something here? With Wikimedia gearing up to take on Google in the search business, wiki could indeed be The Next Big Thing.

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