Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Please let go of my teeth

Man... I was really pissed at my friend Ben Hauser! I don't know where we were, but I was drunk... Ben might have been, too... and he reached into my mouth and grabbed a hold of three of my teeth with his fingers and started leading me around the room. I kept telling him to let go but he wouldn't and, shortly after he finally did let go, my three teeth fell out.

Apparently I was supposed to be getting married a week later but my wife-to-be (an unknown white girl) didn't seem too concerned. At some point I sent Ben some really nasty text messages and proceeded to tell everyone how evil he was, and later on I picked up my teeth and stuck them back into the gums they were pulled from.

Ben, if you try to touch my teeth the next time I see you there's gonna be trouble!!

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